“Magical More”: Everyday Evidence of the Divine

Hello Friends, 

Have you ever had a moment where something stops you in your tracks? A moment where your focus gets narrowed in and yet at the same time completely expanded: whatever you were thinking about is no longer in your mind, you may even literally stop moving, and you become entranced by beauty, wonder, awe, or feeling spiritually connected somehow? I had never heard of or thought of a term for these moments that I experience, but then one came to me recently: “Magical More.”

Here's the basic explanation of what I’m thinking in these moments: “how could it be possible that this exists in this world and there is NOT something more magical going on than what we know??”

These can happen in a variety of ways, but they happen most readily and frequently for me in Nature. Nature reminds me of our divine interconnection often. Let me give you some examples:

  • Crepuscular Rays breaking through the clouds (I once dated someone who was raised Seventh Day Adventist and he called these “God Rays” but I later learned the actual term for them). Also, “crepuscular” – cool word.

  • Geometric Patterns on the beach and in the waves – noticing a gorgeous repeating pattern in the sand or seeing how the waves create incredible patterns when they come together or retreat back to the water.

  • Sunlight creating highlights as it filters through the leaves in a forest.

  • The sounds of aspen or leaves rustling in the wind, which indigenous peoples once called “laughing trees” because the leaves sound like they’re giggling.

  • Being away from light pollution and experiencing the breadth and aliveness of a blanket of starry skies.

  • Snowflakes! How are they so incredible?!

Is Science really Just Science?

I know that science is science and that there are very real scientific explanations for why these things occur. I don’t think they are in themselves “unexplainable” but I do think that science in itself is evidence of something more. I believe spiritual energy helps create all the science that we do experience. 

Seriously, how is it “just science” that lobsters can regrow limbs? Or similarly, that we can “knit” our bones back together after they break (I was so astonished throughout my healing process with my wrist by the “magic” of science). Also, women’s blood supply basically doubles when they are pregnant, to support the pregnancy – seriously?! I mean, how is that “just science”? And I won’t go there now but tree community and mycelium networks and quantum physics and, and, and. Nature is truly astonishing and I can only imagine that a place this magical and awe-inspiring and connected could be created by something MORE.

And nature is constantly teaching us – reminding us of spiritual connection with these moments of “Magical More” – everyday evidence of the Divine. In fact, I sometimes wonder if the awe-inspiring beauty and “magic” of nature and science is actually the Divine’s way of reflecting to us the “magic” that we are part of but we can easily forget. 

There are countless other ways that we can experience this feeling of being connected – to feel Awe, Wonder, stop-you-in-your tracks synchronicities – all of which you could consider “Magical More” as well: Everyday Evidence of the Divine. These moments in nature are just one way.

I invite you to notice when something feels “magical” – take a moment to allow for or even just consider your connection to something greater than we can fathom. And I believe when we start allowing these experiences, we also notice them more. If it helps – feel free to go for a slower walk outside and just notice the “science” that really could be something much greater than we can comprehend or understand.

May you feel connected and experience more “Magical More.”

Rev. Dev
The Connected Way™

P.S. I’d love to hear about your experience of “Magical More” - leave a comment and let me know!


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