Returning to our Innate Rhythm: Living in Connection with the Seasons

Do you feel energized in the summer or more inwardly cozy in the winter? Have you experienced yourself waking up and making change in the spring or slowing down in the fall a bit? That is not just a coincidence – it’s our innate rhythm. We are a part of Nature and Nature is cyclical.

Our ancestors, those that lived in indigenous cultures and earth-based traditions such as Pagan, Wiccan and Druidic traditions, all lived in deep connection with the earth including her cyclical nature. These traditions were true to our human nature - not as impacted by religious or egoic power. They are the cultures I resonate with the most. As we have culturally leaned more into capitalism, individualism and technology, we have lost our awareness and connection to our innate cyclical nature that these cultures were so tapped into.

Over the years, I’ve become more interested in intentionally leaning into the energy of the seasons, both in my personal and professional life. I believe this is how we are meant to live - in connection with and led by nature. Does this idea resonate your body and soul as it does mine? This is one of the reasons I’m now hosting quarterly calls to help us all align more with the energies of the seasons and the natural rhythm we’re meant to live within. 

Autumn Equinox is next week and so I will be offering a call on Wednesday, September 20th. You can sign up for this Virtual Gathering here to intentionally align with the energy of autumn. And in the meantime, I invite you to consider…

How do you experience the seasons internally?
Each season has a unique energy to it, both internally and externally, that we can harness and live with in harmony. Here is how that plays out each season*:

Winter: Rest

  • For the Earth: The land lies fallow. It rests and rejuvenates for the next cycle: the organic matter that was released in the fall now decomposes to create new soil - fertile land for the spring’s new life. 

  • For Us: A time of rest. This is the introverted season - a time to go in and to integrate. This doesn’t have to be active integration - just allowing ourselves to process the active seasons and create rested, processed fertile ground for what is to come (like really good compost). We also can use this time of darkness to cultivate our inner light.

Spring: New Beginnings

  • For the Earth: She is waking up. The ground is thawing and life begins to show itself. At first slowly and then in bursts of color, life and expansion. This is a time to till the soil and plant seeds.

  • For Us: Our internal energy wakes up. We begin to create and ideate. We start new things, make big moves, consider big changes. We do spring cleaning - on our spaces, but also internally. Only keeping what matters. Planting the seeds of what we want to grow.  

Summer: Expansion

  • For the Earth: Full bloom - this is the most vibrant and alive season with the most light.

  • For Us: Summer is the extroverted and energetic season. It is when our energy is abundant. We celebrate our vitality and the joy of life, and what we planted in the spring (internally, in our lives) begins to bloom and thrive. We begin to harvest. 

Autumn: Letting Go

  • For the Earth: The crops are harvested and then everything begins to let go - to release and return to the ground for winter, the season of rest.

  • For Us: We harvest - much that has been in the works comes to fruition. And then, it is a time of gratitude and discernment - to look back on our experiences and consider what we want to take with us, and what can be composted. And finally we begin to prepare for the winter by caring for ourselves and boosting our internal resources. 

* Not everyone experiences these seasons the same way - some feel more energized and creative in winter than in the summer. In fact, despite being an extrovert, I feel a bit dragged down in the summer sometimes and love the energies of the fall and winter because they help me to be a bit more internal. Do you feel these energies in different ways? I’d love to hear about it. 

There is such power in allowing ourselves to experience the shifts in energy however we experience them, but at least let them happen. Because it is not a practice our culture naturally supports, I find it is important to intentionally notice and choose to move through the seasons with their potential and purpose in mind. If you’re interested in exploring this, please join me for the Autumn Equinox Virtual Gathering next Wednesday, September 20th from 7:30-8:30PM est. You can register here.

May you feel supported by this powerful time of transition and bolstered by the energy of the Fall to come.

Rev Dev


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