The Spirit of Advent - it’s for ALL of us.
Happy Advent Friends,
Today is the first Sunday of Advent in the Christian Tradition. But I believe the Spirit of Advent is an opportunity for all of us. Advent literally means "The Coming" and I'll personally add "of the light." 😉 It is a time for us to honor our longing for light, peace, hope, love and joy. And to intentionally sit with the longing and the preparation.
For millennia, Pagans have spent the weeks leading up to Winter Solstice preparing for the return of the light. They brought evergreen trees into their homes to have life within the darkness.
For Christians, the season of Advent is Sunday, December 4th - Sunday, December 24th. This is a time of expectant waiting, longing and preparation for Jesus’s birth and the second coming. In more mystical Christianity, Christmas could be seen as the coming of Christ Consciousness and accordingly, Advent is preparing within for the coming of the light.
For Jews, Hanukkah is from sundown on Thursday, December 7th - the evening of Friday, December 15th. So right now could be a time of preparing for the miracle of light.
I have shared more insights and some of my thoughts in a video:
I also want to share with you a beautiful piece by author Meg Casey:
"December is a holy month. Maybe it is the dark, silky silence that descends so early that speaks to me of reverence. Maybe it is the promise that December holds -- that no matter how dark, how cold, how empty it can get, the light is coming back. Something always shifts in me when December arrives -- I embrace the darkness, and am eager for the coming solstice when the whole world is still and holds its breath, waiting to be reborn again."
May the season of December feel so rich for you! And, I would love to have you join as we bring all of these themes together at Winter Solstice - honoring the darkness, the longing and the return of the light. I’m actually offering TWO different opportunities to intentionally connect with the spirit and energy of this season.
Virtual Ritual
If you do not live near Portland, I will host a virtual event on Zoom on Tuesday evening.
On Zoom and all registrants will receive the recording within 24 hours.
Tuesday, December 19th from 7:30 - 8:30PM
In-Person Ritual
If you live near Portland, ME and wish to be in-person, I will be hosting a ritual at
the Portland New Church
Wednesday, December 20th from 7:00-8:30PM
I hope to see you at one of the events and please share them with anyone you think might be interested. In the meantime, may you feel hope, peace, love and joy in the weeks ahead as we approach the return of the light.
Rev Dev
The Connected Way™