First Podcast Appearance: Living & Dressing as Your Connected Self

Hello Friends, 

My first ever podcast appearance is LIVE today. Months ago, a good friend introduced me to a new friend of hers thinking we might hit it off. And goodness, did we ever! 

You can stream the podcast on Spotify, Apple, Google, or anywhere else you get your podcasts.

In this episode, we discuss Living from our Connected Self, Connection being the Currency of the Soul*, and how to Dress from an Authentic Place that allows us to truly connect. Imagine - what does your soul want you to wear? It was an amazingly fun and aligned conversation and I’m so excited to share it with you! 

BU Style is the brainchild of the incomparable Natalie Tincher. She is a smart, authentic and fun “Style Strategist” (she also calls herself a “style nerd”) helping people to find a style that is authentically their own. She has developed a powerful assessment tool to help you understand your style personality (this was really insightful for me) and dress accordingly. Natalie was a big time stylist in the fashion industry but realized she wanted to help everyday people to feel more connected to their style and accordingly, live more authentically. This is right up my alley - being more connected to yourself of course. And so, we clearly have a lot to talk about.  

*Connection is the Currency of the Soul is something I’ve been saying for a while but haven’t yet shared with all of you in detail. Natalie liked it so much she wanted to use it as the title of the episode. I will be sharing more about this and other concepts related to Living The Connected Way in the new year, but in the meantime, a quick breakdown for you: 

As spiritual beings having a human experience, on the most basic level we are operating with two Selves: the Soul Self which is our spiritual being, and our Ego Self which is the part of us that develops in this human form to keep us safe, alive and thriving in this life. I believe that our Ego Self is meant to be in service of the Soul Self - helping us to reach our authentic spiritual goals, which is Connection. The issue is that for many of us, our balance is off and the Ego is driving much more than the Soul. This is not to demonize the Ego but rather to point out that the balance needs to be righted… Independence, money and power are the currencies of the Ego. Connection is the currency of the Soul.   

I hope you enjoy the podcast - I’d love to hear if there were any ah-ha moments or points that particularly resonated with you. 

Thanks for reading (and listening)!

Rev. Dev
The Connected Way™

P.S. Don’t forget to register for an Interspiritual Winter Solstice Ritual next week - Virtual event is on Tuesday night 12/19, 7:30-8:30PM EST on zoom (with a recording sent out if you can’t make it live). And the In-person event is Wednesday night 12/20, 7:00-8:30PM at the Portland New Church in Portland, ME. You can register for either event here

P.P.S. If you want to follow along with Natalie’s work, you can sign up for her newsletter here or follow her on Instagram @bustyle and @natalie_tincher (her content is really interesting). You can also take the style assessment or you can get 1:1 style support.  


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