As the light returns, so does life. After the long winter’s rest, life begins to bloom anew.
In this gathering, we will explore the equinox, which is when the balance of night and day, light and dark are equal. We will also explore the holidays of different traditions around this time of year, and look at all the themes of rebirth and life blooming out of the dark. The gathering will be a combination of music, readings, musings and personal reflection.
Please sign up below and you will receive an email and reminder with all the call-in info.
All Gatherings are donation based with a suggested donation of $10-$20. That said, I never want financial concerns to deter participation, so please join even if you are unable to donate - no judgement and no expectation. All donations can be sent via venmo to @devingreen207 or via paypal here.
I look forward to connecting with you in Sacred Connection soon!