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New Beginnings: A Spring Equinox Gathering

In this gathering, we will harness the power of Spring Equinox (officially at 11:06 PM on the 19th) as we emerge from the darkness, begin anew, and plant new seeds.

The Vernal Equinox festival of Ostara celebrates spring - rebirth, renewal, new beginnings and fertility. It is a celebration of the promise and return of life, which is reflected in the many religious holy days celebrated around this time as well:

  • Islam: Ramadan is March 10 – April 9

  • Judaism: Purim is March 23 - 24

  • Hinduism: Holi is on March 25

  • Christianity: Easter is Sunday, March 31

We will briefly explore the overlaps in these related holy days and then dive deep into our own experience of winter and now spring - what we are emerging from, what has been wanting to come forward and bloom, and what wants to be planted for our paths ahead.

As always, this gathering will be an interactive combination of music, readings, insights and prompts for personal reflection and intention setting.

I have created a sliding scale for these offerings. Please select which of the three options feels aligned for you. Once you register, you will receive an email confirmation with login details for the call.

For now, this is a virtual gathering (solstice gatherings are in person and virtual, but for now equinoxes are virtual only). I am considering shifting it to a hybrid event with some in person and some online (if I can juggle it and maintain the sacred nature of it). So, if you have a strong preference for in person, please let me know.

I look forward to connecting with you on the equinox!

Virtual Gathering - Community Price
Virtual Gathering - Participant Price
Virtual Gathering - Supporter Price
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