In this Virtual Gathering, we will explore and honor the Autumn Equinox. The Equinox is a couple days later so this call will be a chance for us to prepare for this sacred time of the year.
The Equinox marks the time when there is a complete balance of light and dark, and the Autumn Equinox specifically is the moment when we shift from the Summer energy of expansion, light and social/extroverted energy into the Autumn energy of internal gratitude, discernment and release.
On the call, we will focus on our shift in energy: what we are harvesting, discerning what we want to take from our experiences, and what we will release, and how we want to intentionally move through this “between” season. This virtual gathering will include music, spiritual exploration, and personal reflection.
The call is $11.11, but if for any reason that doesn’t feel doable, please contact me - I never want finances to be an obstacle. Once you sign up for the call below, you will receive an email confirmation with call-in details. All those that sign up will receive the recording the next day, so if you are unable to attend real-time, you will still be able to honor and harness the energy of the season during Autumn Equinox.