In Search of Ground
Happy Earth Day friends!
What a beautiful planet this is, and I am grateful that on this Earth Day, she is getting her own vacation – a spring break from some of our impact. And perhaps, on this 50th Earth Day, we can appreciate her even more.
Getting outside has always been grounding for me, especially when I’m around (or in) water. And I’ve made a point of getting outside at least once every day in the past month+. I’m obviously not going on far-flung adventures, but I’m going on walks and mini adventures around my house and I’m noticing things I’ve never noticed before… I am seeing the blossoming of spring in new ways; I am noticing the flow and interconnectedness of water and life in deeper ways; and I am really appreciating the fresh air, sun, and even taking the time to watch the snow and rain fall.
I do feel more deeply connected to nature these days, but as far as grounding goes, it isn’t totally cutting it. I realized a couple days ago that I have been feeling a bit like I’m floating and it’s because I have less things that anchor and ground me. And in a time when I feel (and you might agree) even less grounded due to my lack of control and certainty, I need even moregrounding.
But, a lot of what used to ground me is not really an option right now. I don’t have the continuous connection and socializing my extroverted self thrives on. I don’t have access to physical touch and dance that would ground me like deflating a hot air balloon. I don’t have the grounded rhythm of the fluid structure and productivity that I used to live within. And I don’t have the certainty of a known path forward with my business and my work, let alone my life.
So, for a while, I had been floating about – taking each day as it came, allowing myself to be moved in one direction or another. Time had taken on a different quality... It was easy for me to stay up really late making masks and sleep later, because why not? It was easy for me to work hard for a couple days and then not work, because why not? It was easy for me to eat at random times of the day, because why not?
Well, I’ve discovered why not – because it doesn’t work. I was feeling like a plastic bag caught in the wind. And I really needed to come back down to earth. First, I realized how much I took the things that used to ground me for granted and let myself feel the emotions of not having them. Next, I noticed what IS grounding me right now (like nature). And then, I realized I needed to find some more/new roots for this extra “floaty” time.
For some, their foundational roots may be a relationship – with a partner, with their children, with a family member, or a friend. For some, it may be their routine, their work, their exercise, their hobbies or practices. The list goes on. For me, in working with what I could, I created a flexible structure for myself so my days don’t feel quite so random. I have committed to a more consistent sleep, eating and movement schedule that fits my rhythms. And I have created intentional avenues for connecting with myself, others and the Divine, a balance of which is essential to my grounding and well-being.
So yes, some of your typical grounding points might not be available these days. If you start feeling like you’re floating, please know that it is totally normal to feel that way right now, and try to find ways to ground yourself, including getting out in nature to celebrate and connect with this beautiful Earth. Thinking of you during these “floaty” times!
In love and light,
Devin Green
The Connected Way™
P.S. If you are feeling particularly “floaty” during these times, one thing that helps me is dropping into my senses, into my body. And that is easiest for me through dance. I am offering the first Dance Your Body & Spirit tomorrow Thursday, April 23rdfrom 1-2:30pm EST. For more details and to sign up, you can visit the webpage or the Facebook event.